Good Gifts Fair
Shop the Good Gifts Fair Sunday, December 12 and 19 between the services. Your gift will honor your friend or family member and help a family break the cycle of hunger and poverty for good. Your friend needs a goat! The catalog also includes a well for clean water, vaccinations, school supplies, microloans, blankets and more. Come, choose your gift and shop the ELCA World Hunger Good Gifts Fair.
Goats are a St. Luke’s favorite! Limited space to graze? Dry land? Goats don’t mind. Goats can go where other animals can’t, surviving in some of the worlds most challenging terrain and unreliable climates. Fresh milk from a goat provides daily nutrition for children and their families. Plus goats are incredibly quick to reproduce, providing an opportunity for families to pass the gift on to others in their community.
With a simple well as many as 500 families gain access to clean, safe water. The biggest challenge to overcoming poverty is the lack of access to clean water.
How about school supplies, internet access, a warm blanket, vaccinations for children, honey bees, a fruit tree? Choose your gift for that special person at the ELCA World Hunger Good Gifts Fair!