Exuberant About St. Luke’s
Advent 1 marks a new beginning of the church year, a theological transition between what has happened in the past – and what God has in store for the future!
In our Second Reading from 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13…..
Paul is exuberant with gratitude for the Thessolonica congregation that Timothy has reported on – and now Paul writes to them…..9How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy that we feel before our God because of you? 10Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you face to face and restore whatever is lacking in your faith…..may the Lord make you increase and abound in love for one another and for all, just as we abound in love for you.
I, like the Apostle Paul, am exuberant about St. Luke’s future as a wonderful place to serve! I have so enjoyed the past seven years of ministry with you! It has been a privilege to share this pastoral ministry here with gifted pastors – Pastor Alex LaChappelle, Pastor Mac Minnick, Pastor Elizabeth Palmer, Pastor Chris Boerger, Pastor John Schumacher, Seminarian and Pastor Mike Busby and now, with Pastor Sally Hanson. I also had the privilege to work elbow to elbow with an incredible staff of skilled and caring people like Anne Krentz Organ, Susan Pinto, BethAnn Lynch, Jim Schrop, Tom Lynch, Kim Hendee and Gerry Mears who have been doing incredibly hard work and administration, while creating a wonderful place for worship, music, education, and social ministry! And I can only say that the work over the past 21 months has been more difficult and challenging – and truly even more magnificent!!!
And, you, the congregation leadership and members – you are an amazingly gifted, generous, and compassionate people who are always seeking to serve others first! Thank you for your hard work, your vision, to compassion and your time – for many – the work has been harder than imagined – but your work has been deeply important and appreciated!
I have learned of your deep commitment to World Hunger – leading the national church with your generosity and commitment! I have learned of your deep commitment to justice issues – tackling hard issues to make this congregation a welcome and accessible place for all people! I have learned of your generosity that even amid trying financial challenges – you never lost sight of being one of the leaders in this synod in benevolence giving to both the synod and national church body!
Annette and I are so thankful that we have had these past almost 7 years with you – as you enter into a new church year and a new chapter in the life of the congregation – always be reminded of the call to serve your community – being a place of respite and harbor for those seeking direction, rest and rebirth! Being invitational as the window behind me depicts – a Jesus with hands wide open summoning all who enter this sanctuary – “Come unto me!”
As the congregation of St. Luke enters a pastoral transition – you have brought on an unbelievably skilled interim lead pastor in Dr. Stephen Bowman who has spent his life discovering community needs in all facets of this church. It is exciting for me to know that Pastor Bowman, with all his expertise, will be working with Pastor Sally Hanson as a pastoral team.
Blessings to all of you – and thank you for all you do in this community, synod, churchwide, and worldwide in the name of Christ! You are a blessing – and may many blessings continue to flow to and from your ministry!
Very sincerely!
Pastor Johnson