Where is the Kingdom of God?
Pilate entered the headquarters again, summoned Jesus, and asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” Jesus answered, “My kingdom is not from this world…….” John 18: 33ff
Our gospel reading on Christ the King Sunday comes during Jesus’ last hours before his death. Jesus has been handed over to the Pilate, the Roman governor. They tell Pilate that Jesus is a criminal whom they want to put to death. So, Pilate questions Jesus, asking if he is the “King of the Jews.”
Pilate does not care about the religious infighting, but he does care if there is a new political ruler rising to challenge Roman rule. In his typical fashion, Jesus does not provide a clear answer to Pilate’s question.
When asked if he is King of the Jews, Jesus replies, “My kingdom is not from this world.” Jesus has a kingdom, but it is not here on earth.
This story from John begs several questions:
What is this Kingdom of God that is not of this world?
What does Jesus’ reign as King look like for us?
How do we welcome Jesus’ Kingship into our lives and our world?
We have been told that we live in waiting, waiting for Christ as King to return and for Christ’s kingdom to come to earth, or for us to enter the Kingdom through our own death.
This idea that our world will end in death, with us going to heaven – or that the world as we know it will end – and God will finally reign supreme – in my mind, are both extremes – different ends of the continuum….
But quite frankly, I am convinced that there is a third alternative to Kingdom watching – where we see glimpses of Christ’s kingdom each and every day right here and right now….
The kingdom of God impacts the world in which we live every single day when we share that image of God’s kingdom with others……. When we follow Christ by loving and serving others, we bring God’s kingdom to others.
My favorite passage in the Bible is 1 John 4:7-12 – and it ends in the 12th verse by saying – “No one has ever seen God, but when we love one another, God is made visible in us…” In other words – we become the vehicle to making God known – God’s Kingdom known – through the love that we convey to others….
I have seen friends who share on their social media when they see the kingdom of heaven break into our world.
One Facebook friend has titled her blog “the kingdom of heaven is like…” and another calls hers – “the kindness countdown” – but each share stories of places where they have seen Jesus’ kingdom at work in the world – changing the trajectory of people’s lives through love and compassion …..
Often times these kingdom moments are powerful but can also be subtle stories of how a life can impacted and changed by the love of another person sharing the love of Jesus….
On this Christ the King Sunday, when Jesus says to Pilate – “my kingdom is not of this world” – I am reminded of the responsibility that all of us have in bringing that Kingdom into focus for those whose vision has been clouded, and who need to hear and experience the Gospel of God’s love once more….
So, in your life – work for the real King – Jesus Christ – it can be life changing for others and yourself!
See you in Church,
Pastor Johnson