Gifts for Refugee Children
Last year, your generosity helped give over 200 kids at RefugeeOne a wonderful Christmas! St. Luke’s is partnering with RefugeeOne again this year. Last year was so successful, that we will be repeating what we did by providing monetary donations to give each child a gift. Our goal is to raise $25 per child; with that level of support, each child will receive a bag full of candy, one small item and a gift card.
Santa will even be setting up a Zoom meeting for the group of kids to spread some holiday cheer as well! If you are able to help make Christmas bright for these RefugeeOne children, do these three easy steps:
1. Please send an email to Kim Hendee or Anne Paolone to let them know you’re in (emails below)!
2. Please specify the amount you are willing to donate.
3. Please send a check made out to St. Luke’s Lutheran Church (Memo: RefugeeOne Christmas). You may also give online by selecting Other and adding RefugeeOne Christmas
All monetary donations need to be collected by Sunday, December 5th!
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Any questions, please call or email
hendeekim@gmail.com and annepaolone@gmail.com
Kim: 847-825-2258, Home, or 847-612-0627, cell
Anne 312-351-4494, Cell