Farewell Pastor Johnson
The St. Luke’s Council invites you to celebrate with us on Sunday, November 28, immediately following both services in the Atrium as we bid a very fond farewell to Pastor Johnson. As you know, Pastor Johnson is retiring from his ministry with us and November 28 will be his last Sunday leading our services. There will be a receiving line and prepackaged refreshments at this reception. We also intend to present Pastor Johnson with a tangible gift of our appreciation for the impact he has had on our lives during his ministry at St. Luke’s.
In the meantime, we also will start an ingathering for Pastor Johnson. You can give online, identifying your gift as “Ingathering for Pastor Johnson.” You can also send a gift to him in care of the Church office at:
St. Luke’s Lutheran Church 205 N Prospect Ave
Park Ridge, IL 60068
Please write “ingathering” on the envelope and make checks payable to St. Luke’s, indicating Pr. Johnson Ingathering in the memo section. Checks should be received by no later than Nov 21, 2021.
We urge you to write a special personal note to Pastor Johnson sharing memories and thanks for the impact his ministry at St. Luke’s has had on your life or the life of your loved ones. Please send the note to Pastor Johnson in care of the church office.
This is a bittersweet time for all of us at St. Luke’s. We hope you will all be part of this celebration and fond parting. While we will all be sad to see him retire from service to St. Luke’s, we want to make sure that Pastor Johnson knows how much we love and appreciate his many years of dedicated service, his friendship, and his successful leadership of our congregation during trying times.