In-Person, Online & Streaming


8:30 a.m. – simple liturgy of Holy Communion

9:30 a.m. – faith formation for all ages [Sunday School, Adult Formation, Choirs etc.]

10:45 a.m. – principal service of Holy Communion with musical ensembles, children’s messages, and other special rites

We celebrate
Holy Communion
at every service.

To watch the 10:45 a.m. Sunday Worship Service live stream, click on the video above or go to: from there, you can click on the subscribe button that allows you to be notified when a live event is beginning.

Connect to the St. Luke’s YouTube Channel for the video archive.

85th Candlelight Service December 8, 2024


Get in touch

205 N. Prospect Ave.
Park Ridge, IL 60068

Phone: 847-825-6659
Fax: 847-825-2557

And follow us online:
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What’s happening this week?

In Our Worship

On this final Advent Sunday the gospel tells of the angel Gabriel appearing to Mary, announcing that she will bear God’s son. The Angel Gabriel from Heaven Came  is played by the Luther College Handbell Choir.


November Daily Prayer

As we enter November, the spirit of All Saints’ Day invites us to reflect on the saints who have shaped our lives. This month, consider embracing a simple but profound prayer practice: daily gratitude for those who have touched your journey, now departed yet enduring in their influence. Each day, you’ll be guided to remember someone specific—a mentor, a friend, a family member, or even a challenging figure—who has left a mark on your soul. Let this practice deepen your appreciation and connection to these beloved saints, grounding your days in gratitude and remembrance.

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In Our Congregation

For 50 years we have joined together as Lutherans to address the root causes of hunger and poverty around the world through ELCA World Hunger. As we reflect on our last 50 years of ministry together, we know God calls us to respond to the needs of the world now more than ever. Will you join us?

Epiphany Event

JOIN US on Sunday January 5 for a no rehearsal intergenerational activity: Christmas Pageant & Epiphany Bonfire (Sunday School, Lifelong Learning combined)  All are welcome to participate!

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Park Ridge Chorale

Park Ridge Choral, directed by Edward Zelnis cordially invites you to their 40th Anniversary Concert, Christmas Memories, on Saturday, December 14, 2024 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church.

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Learn about St. Luke’s

We understand the Christian as both saint and sinner.  We confess that we are “by nature sinful and unclean and cannot free ourselves”. The Word and Sacraments are seen as gifts of God that renew and forgive us on our faith journey and continue to empower us to do the work of Christ in the world. See more. . .

No matter your age or gender, our liturgical form of worship invites you to participate in the worship of our Lord and Savior.  Join in song and prayer.  Those baptized Christians who trust in our Lord’s promise to be truly present as the body and blood in the forms of bread and wine are welcome to receive Holy Communion. See more. . .

Please subscribe to the weekly newsletter; check the calendar and the website. Welcome to all who seek an opportunity for fellowship and service within this community. There are many opportunities and occasions where you can enjoy making new friends who will soon become old friends. Make your interests known to one of the pastors or the church office and they will put you in touch with a member who shares your interest.

Faith formation lasts a lifetime!  From two-year olds to adults, all are invited to join in a life long adventure as each of us increases our understanding of Scripture and how it relates to our daily lives. There are opportunities for young children on Sunday morning; Middle School kids have classes to prepare for Confirmation on Sunday afternoons. The High School youth have their own room where on Sunday mornings they share their thoughts and concerns with the Youth Forum leaders.  Summer mission trips are often on the agenda. Subscribe to the weekly newsletter and checkout the calendar for other activities for children and youth.  See more. . .

Believing that each of us needs to be Christ’s hands in our community, we invite you to join with us as we contribute our time, energy and resources to these local organizations and activities. in addition, our building is used by various community groups. See more. . .

The Adult Forum on Sunday morning offers Bible study or takes up many different topics of current interest.  The Men’s Breakfast on Tuesday morning is also topical.  Study of Scripture is the focus of the Wednesday Morning Bible Study  and the Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study.  A place is waiting for you. Check the calendar for day and time.

We welcome the opportunity to provide pastoral services to the community as well as members of the congregation.  If you are desiring any of the following pastoral services, please consider the following practices regarding these rites of the church: See More. . .

Contact the church office for an appointment to speak to one of the pastors.  They will be happy to get to know you and answer your questions.  New members are received several times a year.  Meanwhile, you are invited to participate in worship and any of the activities that interest you.